Finka went to her dream home and she will live with her brother Jovik in Białystok :o)

JOSEPHINNE Royal Antidotum

♥ ♥ ♥

Merry Christmast

Several new photos in gallery autumn 2016 :o)

Harriett Soffie & Josephinne Soffie

Today Amanda from our litter A
celebrate her
13th birthday
We wish her a lot of health and many wonderful years :o)

Today Soffie joined our cocker family :o)

LUCKY STAR Perfekt Partner :o)
LUCKY STAR Perfekt Partner

Kasia, thank you very much for this little star ♥

Traditionally as every year we took part in our favorite dog show, advent show in Brno :o) We could not have imagined a better end of this year's show season ;o)

Harriwald Royal Antidotum
in open class got excellent 3/3
HARRIWALD Royal Antidotum

Gavrell Royal Antidotum
in champion class got excellent 2/3, res.CAC
GAVRELL Royal Antidotum

Harriett Royal Antidotum
in open class got excellent 1/5, CAC,
Best Female, Best of Opposite Sex

HARRIETT Royal Antidotum

Carrmen Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent 2/3
CARRMEN Royal Antidotum

Harry and Harriett again participated in the Best Brace competition and this time they received 3rd place :o)
Harriwald & Harriett

more photos on page dog shows

This year's spaniels and water dogs club show in Bydgoszcz was quite successful for us :o) Our special Carrmen brought us the most joy this time ♥

Harriwald Royal Antidotum
in open class got excellent 1/2, CWC
HARRIWALD Royal Antidotum

Gavrell Royal Antidotum
in champion class got excellent 3/5
GAVRELL Royal Antidotum

Harriett Royal Antidotum
in open class got excellent 1/1, CWC
HARRIETT Royal Antidotum

Carrmen Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent 1/3, Veteran Winner,
Zwycięzca Klubu Weteran, Best Veteran
BIS Veteran oraz Memoriał im. Janiny Hejn (najlepszy cocker jednomaścisty)

CARRMEN Royal Antidotum

Additionally Harry and Harriett participated in the Best Brace competition (all breeds), in which as the only english cocker spaniels stood on the podium with the 4th place :o)

more photos on page dog shows

Another show weekend and another successes :o)From two international shows in Kielce we brought CACIB and two res.CACIB :o)

Harriwald Royal Antidotum
on Saturday in open class got excellent 1/1, CWC, res.CACIB
on Sunday in open class got excellent 1/1, CWC, Best Male,
CACIB, Best of Opposite Sex

HARRIWALD Royal Antidotum

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
on Saturday in junior class got very good 4/6
on Sunday in junior class got very good
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

Harriett Royal Antidotum
on Saturday in open class got excellent 2/5
on Sunday in open class got excellent 2/5, res.CACIB(=CACIB)

HARRIETT Royal Antidotum

Carrmen Royal Antidotum
on Saturday in veteran class got excellent 1/1, Veteran Winner, Best Veteran
on Sunday in veteran class got excellent 1/2, Veteran Winner, Best Veteran
CARRMEN Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

Trip to Slovakia on two international dog shows in Bratislava :o) This time without success, but with new experiences ;o)

Gavrell Royal Antidotum
on Saturday in champion class got good
on Sunday in champion class got excellent 2/3, res.CAC
GAVRELL Royal Antidotum

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
on Saturday in junior class got sufficient
on Sunday in junior class got very good 4/4
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

The first of the puppies from the litter J, Jaquertto, debuted at dog show in Poznań and was best minor puppy in breed :o) The rest of the Royal's team also gained some good results :o)

Jaquertto Royal Antidotum
in minor puppy class got very promising 1/1, Best Minor Puppy
JAQUERTTO Royal Antidotum
Huge congratulations to the owners :o)

Gavrell Royal Antidotum
in champion class got excellent 4/6
GAVRELL Royal Antidotum

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent 2/3
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

Harriett Royal Antidotum
in open class got excellent 2/7
HARRIETT Royal Antidotum

Carrmen Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent 1/2, Veteran Winner, Best Veteran
CARRMEN Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

Today to his new home in Český Těšín went JAVIERR Royal Antidotum :o)

JAVIERR Royal Antidotum

Všechno nejlepší Javierr!

We received the next photos of our puppies from litter J :o)

JENNEVIEVE Royal Antidotum :o)
JENNEVIEVE Royal Antidotum JENNEVIEVE Royal Antidotum
Many thanks to the owners for photos :o)

more photos in her gallery

JOVANTTE Royal Antidotum :o)
JOVANTTE Royal Antidotum JOVANTTE Royal Antidotum
Many thanks to the owners for photos :o)

more photos in his gallery

Finka came back to us and looking for a new home, such forever ♥

JOSEPHINNE Royal Antidotum :o)
JOSEPHINNE Royal Antidotum JOSEPHINNE Royal Antidotum JOSEPHINNE Royal Antidotum

We had a busy show weekend :o) And once again our dogs gave us reason to be proud of them :o)

Gavrell, Ibriell and Dolcevitta participated in two shows in Tulln. (A):

Gavrell & Dolcevitta & Ibriell

Gavrell Royal Antidotum
in champion class:
01.10 international dog show "Middle East European Winner"
got excellent 5/5

02.10 international dog show "Bundessieger"
got excellent 1/5, CACA, res.CACIB(=CACIB)
GAVRELL Royal Antidotum

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
in junior class:
01.10 international dog show "Middle East European Winner"
got excellent 2/2

02.10 international dog show "Bundessieger"
got excellent 2/5
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

Dolcevitta Royal Antidotum
in veteran class:
01.10 international dog show "Middle East European Winner"
got excellent 1/1, Middle East European Veteran Winner

02.10 international dog show "Bundessieger"
got excellent 1/1, Bundes Veteranensieger
DOLCEVITTA Royal Antidotum

And last but not least - Carrmen, who went to the show in Rybnik:

Carrmen Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent 1/1, Veteran Winner, Best Veteran,
Best of Breed, Best of Group VIII, BIS Veteran
CARRMEN Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

We received some pictures of Dolly :o)

JENNEVIEVE Royal Antidotum :o)
JENNEVIEVE Royal Antidotum JENNEVIEVE Royal Antidotum JENNEVIEVE Royal Antidotum
Many thanks to the owners for photos :o)

more photos in her gallery

We spent a very nice day at the national show in Wawrzkowizna :o) Vittka once again occupied the highest place on the podium in the BIS Veteran competition! :o)

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 2nd place
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

Dolcevitta Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent, 1st place, Veteran Winner, Best Veteran,
BIS Veteran
DOLCEVITTA Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

We received some pictures of Booker :o)

BOOKER Royal Antidotum - 10,5 years :o)
BOOKER Royal Antidotum
Many thanks to the owners for photos :o)

more photos in his gallery

Today to her new home in Katowice went JENNEVIEVE Royal Antidotum :o)

JENNEVIEVE Royal Antidotum

Have a fabulous life, Jennevieve!

A little later at the national show in Chorzow we showed Ibi:

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
in junior class got very good, 4th place

Royal's siblings from litter H celebrate today their 2nd birthday :o)

We wish
Hanavell, Havanna, Harriett and Harriwald
a lot of health and many wonderful years ;o)
Gucio sends a summer holiday greeting :o)

GERRAINT Royal Antidotum

New photos of Jennevieve and Javierr at the age of 12 weeks :o)


more photos in gallery of litter J :o)

A few new photos of Jennevieve and Javierr :o)

Jennevieve Javierr Jennevieve & Javierr

more photos in gallery of litter J :o)

Today our miot "I" celebrate their
1st birthday

We wish Imariell, Igrainne, Illaine, Ibriell and Ivalldo
a lot of health and many wonderful years ;o)

IBRIELL Royal Antidotum - 1st birthday

more photos from birthday session of Ibi in her gallery

Ibi and Dolce made us proud with their great results at national dog show in Nowy Sącz :o)

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 1st place, Youth Winner, Best Junior,
Best of Breed, Best of Group VIII
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

Dolcevitta Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent, 1st place, Veteran Winner, Best Veteran,
BIS Veteran
DOLCEVITTA Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

Gallahad Royal Antidotum also had a busy weekend:

» 20.08.2016 - international dog show in Bratislava (SK) / judge: Fintorová Ludmila (SK)
• champion class - excellent, 1st place, CAC

» 21.08.2016 - international dog show in Bratislava (SK) / judge: Janka Janek (SK)
• champion class - excellent, 1st place, CAC, res.CACIB

Huge congratulations to the owners :o)

We received great news today :o)

GALLAHAD Royal Antidotum
Slovak Grand Champion

Congratulations to the owners :o)

We receive the first pictures of our puppies from the new homes :o)
Yesterday we received photos of Jermell - he get acclimated to his new environment and have a lot of fun :o)

Jermell Jermell
Many thanks to the owners for photos :o)

more photos in his gallery :o)

JAQUERTTO Royal Antidotum today started his journey to Gdynia :o)

JAQUERTTO Royal Antidotum

Have a wonderful life, Jaquertto!

New photos of Jennevieve, Javierr and Jaquertto and their playmate, Ibriell :o)

Jaquertto Ibriell & Javierr Jennevieve

more photos in gallery of litter J and summer 2016 :o)

The most sociable boy from the whole company, JOVANTTE Royal Antidotum, went to Białystok today :o)

JOVANTTE Royal Antidotum

Have a fantastic life, Jovantte!

The next show weekend :o) To the national show in Bytom went Ibriell :o)

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 2nd place
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

JACQUELINNE Royal Antidotum went to Wrocław with her new family :o)

JACQUELINNE Royal Antidotum

Have a sweet life, Jacquelinne!

Today JULIETTE Royal Antidotum went to new home in Kraków :o)

JULIETTE Royal Antidotum

Have a royal life, Juliette!

JOSEPHINNE Royal Antidotum, our "sweet orange" went to her new home in Warsaw :o)

JOSEPHINNE Royal Antidotum

Have a marvelous life, Josephinne!

Another one of our dogs debut in the veteran class :o)
At the International Dog Show in Zakopane Dolcevitta started Veteran Championship :o)

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 3rd place
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

Dolcevitta Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent, 1st place, Veteran Winner, Best Veteran
DOLCEVITTA Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

The time has come for our sweeties from litter J to move out to their new homes.
JERMELL Royal Antidotum as the first one left the family house and he live in the nearby Jaworze :o)

JERMELL Royal Antidotum

Have a groovy life, Jermell!

New photos of our puppies at the age of 8 weeks :o)

Litter J Litter J Litter J

more photos in gallery of litter J :o)

During the rain kids get bored... and thereafter they frolic and get dirty ;o)

Litter J Litter J Litter J

more photos in gallery of litter J :o)

Veterans continues the winning streak :o) On Saturday at the International Dog Show in Czestochowa Cassanova in a great style received the last certificate necessary to obtain the title Polish Veteran Champion :o)

Cassanova Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent, 1st place, Veteran Winner, Best Veteran,
Best of Breed
CASSANOVA Royal Antidotum

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 2nd place
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

New photos of our puppies at the age of 6 weeks :o)

Litter J Litter J Litter J

more photos in gallery of litter J :o)

Lunchtime :o)

Litter J

Yesterday we had a very nice surprise - we received some pictures of Dalissima :o)

DALISSIMA Royal Antidotum - 8 years :o)
DALISSIMA Royal Antidotum
Many thanks to the owners for photos :o)

more photos in her gallery

Our golden little ones are 5 weeks old :o) They love to spend time in the garden and play with our adult dogs :o)

Litter J Litter J Litter J

more photos in gallery of litter J :o)

Today Harry had a clinical trials of heart with excellent result :o)

Harriwald Royal Antidotum - heart without changes

HARRIWALD Royal Antidotum

Weather finally was fine and our puppies from litter J could spend a sunday afternoon in the garden :o) They loved it! :o)

Litter J Litter J Litter J

more photos in gallery of litter J :o)

Biannca sends summer greetings :o)

BIANNCA Royal Antidotum - 10,5 years :o)
BIANNCA Royal Antidotum BIANNCA Royal Antidotum
Many thanks to the owner for photos :o)

We are so well behaved :D

We had another successful show today :o) We are very pleased that once again our veteran (this time it was Cassanova) was appreciated by the judges :o) Veterans are the pride and face of the breeding, therefore we are pleased to present them at dog shows and their every success is doubly joy for us :o)

Cassanova Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent, 1st place, Veteran Winner, Best Veteran,
Best of Breed, BIS Veteran III
CASSANOVA Royal Antidotum

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 2nd place
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

The little ones grow and grow :o) They have already opened their eyes, begin to hear and with curiosity explore and learn the world around them :o)

Litter J

more photos in gallery of litter J :o)

Today's international dog show in Krakow will be one of those unforgettable for us :o) Our team rock it out and came back home with lots of beautiful trophies and most importantly, the superb results :o)

It was a real honor for us to do well under such a respected judge (Attila Czeglédi, HU) :o)

We are very happy and proud of the results of all five Royal's! :o)

Harriwald Royal Antidotum
in intermediate class got excellent, 1st place, CWC, Best Male,
CACIB, Best of Breed, BOG III

HARRIWALD Royal Antidotum

Cassanova Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent, 2nd place
CASSANOVA Royal Antidotum

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 2nd place
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

Harriett Royal Antidotum
in intermediate class got excellent, 1st place, CWC, Best Female,

HARRIETT Royal Antidotum

Carrmen Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent, 1st place, Veteran Winner,
Best Veteran, BOS

CARRMEN Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

New puppies photos in gallery of litter J :o)

Litter J

Another successful show in Nitra (SK) :o)

Gavrell Royal Antidotum
in champion class got excellent, 1st place, CAC
GAVRELL Royal Antidotum GAVRELL Royal Antidotum

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 2nd place
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

Our team :o)
GAVRELL Royal Antidotum & IBRIELL Royal Antidotum GAVRELL Royal Antidotum & IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

Today our little stars had a small photo-session :o)

Litter J

more photos in gallery of litter J :o)

We have puppies! :o)
Yesterday were born beautiful golden puppies, 4 females and 4 males :o) Mom and babies are doing well :o)

Litter J - first hours after birth

more photos in gallery of litter J :o)

Today our Fantaghirro from litter "F" celebrates her
4th birthday

We wish her a lot of health and many wonderful years ;o)

We plan puppies! :o)

Planned litter - ROCKET IN GOLD Xilander x ELHONNEY Royal Antidotum

Several photos of future mother :o)
ELHONNEY Royal Antidotum ELHONNEY Royal Antidotum ELHONNEY Royal Antidotum ELHONNEY Royal Antidotum ELHONNEY Royal Antidotum ELHONNEY Royal Antidotum ELHONNEY Royal Antidotum

Today Dalissima, Dellice, Dolcevitta and Damassco from our litter D celebrate their 8th birthday :o)

We wish them
a lot of health and many wonderful years ;o)

Today our litter "G" celebrate their
3rd birthday

We wish Gillian, Ginnevra, Gaherris, Gavainn, Gallahad, Garreth, Gerraint and Gavrell
a lot of health and many wonderful years ;o)

GAVRELL Royal Antidotum - 3rd birthday

A few Gavrell's pictures from birthday session :o)

GAVRELL Royal Antidotum - 3rd birthday GAVRELL Royal Antidotum - 3rd birthday GAVRELL Royal Antidotum - 3rd birthday

more photos in his gallery

Although that our black trio, that represented our kennel at internationl dog show in Łódź, doesn't suit the judge's individual taste we are proud of our results :o) We are very pleased that our Carrmen was appreciated at Best Veteran in Show competition and this time she was awarded with 4th place :o)

Harriwald Royal Antidotum
in intermediate class got excellent, 3rd place
HARRIWALD Royal Antidotum

Harriett Royal Antidotum
in intermediate class got excellent, 3rd place
HARRIETT Royal Antidotum

Carrmen Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent, 1st place, Veteran Winner, Best Veteran,
BIS Veteran IV
CARRMEN Royal Antidotum CARRMEN Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

"You were all my heartbeat
A spring, a winter, life
Echo of my dreaming
A wine, a wind, a laugh..."

GAFFA Galida... so much dreamed, so much awaited... love at first sight, the one and only... and almost 14 years together... not enough... only 14... Thank you very much - Lidka and Grzegorz - for the wonderful girl, for everything she meant to me... from the tip of the nose to the end of tail... the most beautiful and unique - of exquisite, remarkable beauty... wonderful personality...

Gaffa... my fulfilled dream... you will never again sit on my legs, cuddle up to me at night, barked happily waiting for your breakfast, I will never again groom your lovely coat... and You will never again fall asleep sitting up during grooming, putting your head on my hand... My beloved Gaffa... you'll stay in my heart forever... run joyfully on the Green Meadows with your favorite ball... One day we'll meet again - Your Anna

GAFFA Galida

Several new pictures in the spring gallery :o)

IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

Today our litter "E" celebrate their
5th birthday

We wish Elhonney, Elfaddo and Elvivvo a lot of health and many wonderful years ;o)

Yesterday we spent pleasant day at national hunting dogs show in sunny and windy Jeleśnia ;o)

Cassanova Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent, 1st place, Veteran Winner, BOS
CASSANOVA Royal Antidotum

Carrmen Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent, 1st place, Veteran Winner, Best Veteran,
Best of Breed, BIS Veteran II
CARRMEN Royal Antidotum

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
in puppy class got very promising, 1st place, Best Puppy,
BIS Puppy II
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

Our black duo from litter H joined the group of champions! :o)

HARRIWALD Royal Antidotum
Polish Junior Champion

HARRIETT Royal Antidotum
Polish Junior Champion

We received pictures of Havanna after her visit to the groomer :o)

HAVANNA Royal Antidotum HAVANNA Royal Antidotum
Thank you Gosia Tymczak for grooming and photos!

Fanta and Honney again had eye examination :o)

Elhonney Royal Antidotum - eyes - clean
Fantaghirro Royal Antidotum - eyes - clean

Last year's sea of crocuses in the Chochołowska Valley completely captivated us and this year Royal's appeared again on the purple carpet :o)

This time on a spring walk at the foothills of the Tatra Mountains went Gavrell and Ibriell :o)

GAVRELL Royal Antidotum GAVRELL Royal Antidotum & IBRIELL Royal Antidotum IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

more photos in gallery

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

more photos of our easter bunny in gallery

We received superb news from England from Maggie - owner of GG :o)

GINNEVRA Royal Antidotum got today qualification for Crufts 2017 :o)
Congratulations! We're very happy!

One dog show, two debuts :o) At national dog show in Katowice her show career began our youngest girl - Ibriell, while the champion Carrmen debut in the veteran class :o) Both girls come up trumps :o)

Carrmen Royal Antidotum
in veteran class got excellent, 1st place, Veteran Winner, Best Veteran,
Best of Breed, BOG IV
CARRMEN Royal Antidotum

Ibriell Royal Antidotum
in puppy class got very promising, 1st place, Best Puppy
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

Due to gained last year qualification, Harry was able to take part in the most important and largest dog show in this part of the world which is Crufts :o) This year were entered 403 english cocker spaniels!

Harriwald was entered in two classes - yearling (26 entries) and post graduate (23 entries) - and in the first of them was chosen to final shortlist :o) We are very happy! :o)

Harriwald Royal Antidotum
HARRIWALD Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

England welcomed us with truly spring weather which was perfect for walking and sightseeing Coventry :o)

HARRIWALD Royal Antidotum HARRIWALD Royal Antidotum HARRIWALD Royal Antidotum

more photos in gallery

We received several new photos of Ponyo :o)

ILLAINE Royal Antidotum
Illaine Royal Antidotum Illaine Royal Antidotum
Many thanks to the owners for photos :o)

Ibriell, our dragon slayer :o)

IGRAINNE Royal Antidotum went to new home in Brzeszcze :o)

Igrainne Royal Antidotum

A few new photos of Igrainne and Ibriell :o)

orange & white Ibriell black & white Igrainne and orange & white Ibriell black & white Igrainne

more photos in gallery of litter I :o)

New gallery was created - winter 2015/2016 :o)

Several photos from a short walk around Nitra after dog show, where was sunny, but frosty aura :o)

GAVRELL Royal Antidotum GAVRELL Royal Antidotum

more photos in gallery

Last weekend we started new show season at New Year Show in Nitra (SK) :o)

Gavrell Royal Antidotum
in open class got excellent, 1st place, CAC
GAVRELL Royal Antidotum

more photos on page dog shows

Gavrell's brother, Gallahad Royal Antidotum, on the same show obtained the following results:

» 16.01.2016 - international dog show in Nitra (SK) / New Year Show - judge: Miroslav Stanovský (SK)
• champion class - excellent, 2nd place, res.CAC

» 17.01.2016 - international dog show in Nitra (SK) / Winter Show - judge: Zdenka Jílková (CZ)
• champion class - excellent, 2nd place, res.CAC

Today our litter B celebrate their
10th birthday

We wish Biannca, Bussana, Benjamin, Booker, Bravin and Bassco
a lot of health and many wonderful years ;o)

Today our litter C celebrate their
8th birthday

We wish Cassablanca, Cindirella, Carrmen and Cassanova
a lot of health and many wonderful years ;o)

New Year, new plans, new hopes! :o)

It's the perfect moment for officially join two Royal's to our cocker team :o)
HARRIWALD Royal Antidotum
HARRIWALD Royal Antidotum
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum
IBRIELL Royal Antidotum

Copyright © kennel Royal Antidotum      Last update: 01.03.2025
Webdesign: Zula Design      Site was created: 10.09.2003