Page "from our kennel" has been complemented by a few dogs born in kennel Royal Antidotum :o)

winter portrait of Fanta :o)


Last sunday we spent on last for us show in this year - Advent Club Show in Brno. Despite the cold weather at the show was really warm and Christmas atmosphere :o) There was a over a hundred english cocker spaniel, which was judged by judge from Scotland - David Todd (Chataway kennel). We are proud that in such large and strong competition our dogs achieved really good results ;o)

Cassanova Royal Antidotum
in champion class got excellent, 2nd place, r.CAC

Carrmen Royal Antidotum
in champion class got excellent, 2nd place, r.CAC

Fantaghirro Royal Antidotum
in puppy class got promising, 3rd place

Gaffa Galida
in veteran class got excellent, 1st place

more photos on page dog shows

Today blacks from our first litter celebrate the 9th birthday :o)

Amanda, Arabella and Armani with mum Carmela 9 years ago

TIMUR Arginina - 12th birthday :o)

Some new pics of our FANTAGHIRRO Royal Antidotum at age 5 months.

more photos in Fanta's gallery

Halloween - our witches :o)

For Fantaghirro sunday was the day full of excitement - first snow and... first show :o) Despite unfavorable weather conditions Fanta bravely showed and very nicely presented in the ring :o)

At the national show in Częstochowa also appeared Honney - the first time in "adult" class. Here are the results of our girls:

Fantaghirro Royal Antidotum
in baby class got very promising, 1st place, Best Baby

Elhonney Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 2nd place

more photos on page dog shows

Last weekend at the international dog show in Poznań we showed our golden Honney:

Elhonney Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 2nd place

more photos on page dog shows

Little black Fanta - FANTAGHIRRO Royal Antidotum officially joined our cocker-team :o)

Please visit our cockers page and Fanta's subpage

New photo gallery was created - autumn 2012 :o)

We are pleased to announce that ELFADDO Royal Antidotum is now official

Polish Junior Champion

Faddo with his sister Honney :o)

Some new portraits of our golden ELHONNEY Royal Antidotum in her gallery.

Our stud dog Bassco Royal Antidotum has been tested clinically:

BASSCO Royal Antidotum - eyes - clear

New photos of our two black girls - FANTAGHIRRO Royal Antidotum and CARRMEN Royal Antidotum :o)

Some new photos of our stud dog BASSCO Royal Antidotum in his gallery :o)

Time is fast running out and our little puppy is now almost eight weeks old :o)

FANTAGHIRRO Royal Antidotum

... and less officially pics ;o)

more new photos on puppies page

New photos in gallery summer 2012 :o)

Today our veteran girl
GAFFA Galida
celebrates her 10th birthday
on this occasion we wish Gaffa and her siblings many wonderful years!

New photo gallery was created - summer 2012 :o)

New pics Fantaghirro :o)

New photos of Fantaghirro and Dolcevitta :o)

New Fantaghirro's photos on litter F page :o)

Was added site of our grooming salon - Royal Style

Coming soon a lot of new pictures of our customers :o)

Today Fantaghirro ended 4 weeks :o)

First show training ;o)

more new photos on litter F page.

5th June was born a black girl - FANTAGHIRRO Royal Antidotum :o)

more info and photos on litter F page.

We add some photos our Honney from show in Nowy Sącz to dog shows page:

thanks to Aleksandra Rola for the photos :o)

Last weekend the father of our litter E - Manupi's BRAND NEW DAY finished his title International Champion of Beauty - we are very happy and congratulate to breeders of Hipcio :o)

We are after next show :o) This time "Royals" were showed in Nowy Sącz at the national dog show VIII group FCI:

Elhonney Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 1st place, Youth Winner,
Best Junior, BOB

at this show Honney finished
Polish Junior Champion

Gaffa Galida
in veteran class excellent, 1st place, Best Veteran
BIS Veteran

more photos on page dog shows

Yesterday's national show in Bytom, turned out to be extremely successful for us :o)

Elfaddo Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 1st place, Youth Winner

at this show Faddo finished
Polish Junior Champion

Congrats for owners :o)

Elhonney Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 1st place, Youth Winner,
Best Junior, BOB
Best in Show - 4th place

more photos on page dog shows

Last weekend "Royals" were presented at international dog show in Łódź:

Cassanova Royal Antidotum
in champion class got excellent, 1st place, CWC

Elhonney Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 4th place

Gaffa Galida
in veteran class got excellent, 2nd place

more photos on page dog shows

In early june we planned puppies after excellent parents :o)

Molkara EXIGE - Morris & CARRMEN Royal Antidotum

more info at puppies page :o)

Next part of sunny photos in spring gallery :o)

ELHONNEY Royal Antidotum
11 months
TIMUR Arginina
11 years

In hot and sunny saturday day at international dog show in Opole our dogs been:

Elfaddo Royal Antidotum
in junior class got very good

Elhonney Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 2nd place

Gaffa Galida
in veteran class got excellent, 2nd place

more photos on page dog shows

After show we went with our girls to the beautiful palace in Pławniowice :o)

New photos in spring gallery :o)

Despite unfavorable weather conditions "Royals-team" were showed at national show in Zabrze:

Elfaddo Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 1st place, Youth Winner, Best Junior

Congrats for owners :o)

Elhonney Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 2nd place

Gaffa Galida
in veteran class got excellent, 1st place, Best Veteran

more photos on page dog shows

At national dog show in Ostrava (CZ) were shown our girls:

Gaffa Galida
in veteran class got excellent, 1st place, Best Veteran

Elhonney Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 1st place

more photos on page dog shows

Holy Saturday we spent in a great atmosphere and really nice company at club show in Brno (CZ) :o)
Our girls were judged by english judges and also breeders - Jessica and Paul carpenter (Joaldy kennel)::

Gaffa Galida
in veteran class got excellent, 1st place, Best Veteran
and wonderful description:
"good teeth, with a kind eye, nicely balanced head, good width and depth, good neck and shoulder,
good body, nice muscled tight, in fantastic coat,
presentation best of day, move well, like a youngster"

Elhonney Royal Antidotum
in junior class got very good, 1st place

more photos on page dog shows
We thank Mr. Josef Milik and Mr. Ladislav Jelinek for the pictures :o)

A few new photos of our dogs in spring gallery :o)

During international dog show in Katowice were shown our cockers:

Elfaddo Royal Antidotum
began his show career
and in junior class got excellent, 1st place, Youth Winner

Congrats for owners :o)

Carrmen Royal Antidotum
in champion class got excellent, 1st place, CWC, res.CACIB

Elhonney Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 3rd place

Cassanova Royal Antidotum
in champion class got excellent, 4th place

Gaffa Galida
in veteran class got excellent, 2nd place

more photos on page dog shows

Vivvo visited us :o) on this occasion his new photos at age 10 months.

ELVIVVO Royal Antidotum

Last weekend some of our dogs been tested clinically and has excellent results:

ARABELLA Royal Antidotum - eyes - clear
CASSANOVA Royal Antidotum - eyes - clear
CARRMEN Royal Antidotum - eyes - clear
DOLCEVITTA Royal Antidotum - eyes - clear
GAFFA Galida - eyes - clear

Black girl from our kennel was also tested clinically:
CASSABLANCA Royal Antidotum - eyes - clear

Next portion of winter photos of Vivvo

ELVIVVO Royal Antidotum


Our lovely, wonderful and wise Sara lost the fight with a long and severe illness ;-(
SARA 14.03.1999-18.02.2012

"To tylko pies,
tak mówisz
tylko pies...
a ja ci powiem
że pies to często więcej niż człowiek
on nie ma duszy, mówisz
popatrz jeszcze raz
psia dusza większa jest od psa
i kiedy się u¶miechasz do niej
ona hu¶ta się na ogonie
a kiedy się pożegnać trzeba
i psu czas i¶ć do psiego nieba
to niedaleko pies wyrusza
przecież przy tobie jest psie niebo
z tob‘ zostanie dusza jego..."

Sarciu, do zobaczenia za Tęczowym Mostem...

A few days ago we had a very pleasant surprise - we got current photos of Dexa in the beautiful winter scenery

CASSABLANCA Royal Antidotum

Many thanks for owners :o)

At international dog show in Rzeszów our youngest girl at age 9 months and 3 days started polish junior champion :o)

Elhonney Royal Antidotum
in junior class got excellent, 1st place, Youth Winner

more photos on page dog shows

We started the next show season showing Carrmen and Cassanova ath the international dog show in Brno (CZ):

Carrmen Royal Antidotum
in champion class got excellent, 1st place, CAC

Cassanova Royal Antidotum
in champion class got excellent, 5th place

more photos on page dog shows

New photos of Faddo at the age 9 months.

Elfaddo soon will start his show carrer :o)
Good luck!

ELFADDO Royal Antidotum

New winter photos of Vivvo :o)

ELVIVVO Royal Antidotum

Many thanks for owners :o)


On January 2 black dogs from litter "C":
Cassablanca, Cindirella, Carrmen i Cassanova
celebrated its
4th birthday

and on January 3 dogs from litter "B":
Biannca, Bussana, Benjamin, Booker, Bravin, Billton i Bassco
celebrated its
6th birthday

We wish them a lot of health and many wonderful years ;o)

Copyright © kennel Royal Antidotum      Last update: 01.03.2025
Webdesign: Zula Design      Site was created: 10.09.2003